Anyone heard Zu Druid speakers?

Speakers just reviewed:


Anyone heard them?
What do you think of them?

I am attempting to build a new system - starting with affordable high sensitivity speakers.
I listen only to acoustic music - and 90% of that is female vocal.

Are these likely to suit my tastes?

Can anybody give some comment if I were to use Nagra Vpa monoblock of 50 w to drive Druid or Defination. Which will be better match?
I've heard the Druids three times. Twice in official Zu Audio rooms, and once in another VTV room, which one would assume was set up professionally. Each time the Druids have sounded congested, honky and boxy. I would love to hear them properly set up because I have to believe the folks who love them are hearing something substantially different than what I have heard.

The Tone monitors sounded significantly better during the one demonstration in which both The Druids and Tones were featured.
Tvad...ditto on my account as well. I've not heard the Definitions, unfortunately, but the Druids (heard them in two systems) sounded sharply metallic, with discernible interference from the cabinet itself. I had a headache within minutes, and was unable to stay in either room. One of the rooms in which I heard the speakers was set up by Zu, so I'm unable to find an excuse for that result. In addition, the three others in our group had exactly the same reaction. Obviously, the Druid fans are hearing something quite different than what we did. As always, YMMV.
I was at VTV. Now, keep in mind I own Druids. I didn't find any room at the show where equipment I was familiar with sounded anywhere close to what I know it can sound like in a home, so there was a general problem with lackluster tone, even in horn-based systems. The room characteristics were terrible in all respects. In the Zu room, the Druids exhibited flashes of the character I know them to have but most of what I heard was far below what I get out of my own Druids. Compared to what could be heard in other rooms, Zu's setup was competitive but not as convincing as it should have been. Sean and Adam also bring music strongly skewed to what they like, which is energetic, often musically dense and sometimes not well recorded. Their music choices are always fun, however, so people hang out and enjoy the content with not much obsessing about the gear itself. Also, the hotel carpet turned out to be thicker than usual for hotel carpet. On Saturday at VTV, the Druids in the Zu room didn't have the proper spike height for the conditions, which of course affects performance. This was corrected on Sunday with the arrival of taller spikes. Zu is still getting their act together with respect to refining their show configuration and practices.

Zu also uses a pro audio dac which they like alot. I've heard it twice now and I don't share their enthusiasm for it. It seems to bleed character from music, to me.

They did not bring Definitions because they knew the room would be too small for a proper demo. You really have to be able to locate your ears at least 10' from the Def to hear its sound integrate. It is definitely not a near-field speaker.

On the other hand, when Zu had their own demo session in L.A. in August in a ground-floor room with stable floor, 24' x 32' space, and all their speakers present, they were able to show stellar sound quality.

I did not like the sound quality in the Shindo room. It was clean but dry and bleached of character. The VRS front end may have been a factor in addition to the room itself, and the Shindo amps were an unknown to me.

I also don't know how broken-in either pair of VTV show Druids were. There's no substitute for getting then in your house and breaking them in for a month. I know Zu put the exhibited Druids through the factory blast for break-in, but it's also known not to be enough for a new speaker that is then packed up and shipped.

General reaction nevertheless by listeners in the Zu room was highly favorable and while I think the essential qualities were communicated by the demo, the startling qualities that give Druids a sense of intimate ultra-reality were not vivid except on a few occasions when a highly-energetic, dynamic, recording that was also nicely recorded was used. The room was just a black hole for acoustic energy.

Phil wrote:
Zu also uses a pro audio dac which they like alot. I've heard it twice now and I don't share their enthusiasm for it. It seems to bleed character from music, to me.

I agree wholeheartedly. At the Zu Audio LA demo, they started off using a computer transport and the pro DAC. IMO, the music came to life when they switched to a Consonance Droplet CD player.

Also, I quite like the music Zu Audio chooses for their demonstrations. So, while it may not be ideal for some audiophiles, it is right up my alley, and therefore the music is not a factor in any less-than-favorable impressions I have had of the Druids.

I thought the Edgarhorn/Brenneman room and Dehavilland room were among the best of the VTV rooms, although I couldn't quite figure the speaker placement in the Dehavilland room.