Vandersteen's Low Spousal Acceptance Factor

I purchased the Vandy 2ce sigs recently, and really like their sound. I know everyone has strong opinions about them on this site, but to me they sound very natural and balanced. I've owned Revels, Thiels and Von Schweikerts, but they all sounded slightly colored and/or dry by comparison.

Enter the dreaded Spousal/Wife Acceptance Factor. My wife HATES the way the Vandy's look. Is there anyone who can modify/dress the Vandy's to make them more presentable?? Or, is there another speaker (even if it costs a little more) out there that has that first-order sound, but doesn't look like a black box? Help!
Congrats on the Kestrels. Did you show her a picture?

I've seen the Shearwaters in person, and they look better than in the pix - definitely better than Vandys. Of course, the Kestrel 2s were probably the best choice. Hope you guys like 'em.
Gfields...thanks for keeping us posted with how you solved your dilemna...too many people ask for suggestions and then disappear without a thanks or a follow-up to let us know what they ended up choosing.

Hope the Meadowlarks work well for you...I think they are great looking speakers also although I have never heard them.

and 200 hrs breakin...don't sweat it...pop a cd in and put the player on repeat when you leave the house...that 200 hrs will pass by before you even know it!

Happy listening


p.s. I still recommend taking your wife on an "ugly and obtrusive speaker tour" sometime...just for future reference...maybe those big Calix speakers will scare her enough that you'll be able to have any speaker your heart desires.

you know...your wife wants want her butt ugly and you'll be able to happily compromise at ugly...and win.

all said in pure fun
Thanks everyone for their input. It's amazing - or incredibly foolish - that I'm willing to risk about $1000 based on advice from people I've never met! You could all be WRONG!

Just kidding; almost every recommendation I've gotten on this site has been excellent.

I'll post again once the 'larks arrive