DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
Really stunning review! Makes me wonder if the reviewer was given a "Happy Ending" after his tour of the DK manufacturing facility.
At least the reviewer admits upfront DK totally funded the review. So some things can be taken with a grain of salt.

On the other hand as a person who works in the world of precision machining... simply AWESOME!
I wondered how long it would be until this happened.

Might not be able to afford them however I do want to hear them.
Hmmm, let me see....

I could either start saving for a speaker from an un-prooven speaker manufacturer that sees the need to use 350lbs of aircraft aluminum to make speakers with probably less than $1000 of actual speaker parts, and who didnt even use his own amp in the review, wich also had to be at his factory (why)...oh yeah they are sooo heavy.
Or I could enjoy my current speakers or entertain the purchase of speakers from far more prooven companies.
And ofcourse these speakers are a steal at only $25000!
You start saving..I am going to listen to music.