DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
Tvad, how much cost and afford do you think it would have been to ship and place the speakers( 800lbs + box) in the reviewers appartment?
This solutions was the best and that Mr. Kesin personally helped the reviewer showes his commitment.
Marble I believe is far better resonance-free cabinette material for the speakers...
RBStehno...yeah...for a number of years i had an 88 911 carrera...great bang for the buck car...i wouldn't have much problem justifying the 20k that i spent on it to a Kia owner who probably paid 12-15k. I would be able to also explain to the Kia Owner that a 911 could have been had for less than the price of his Kia (had it been purchased new of course). I would also be able to explain the differences in all the possible models that would be in the budget 911E/T/S...what upgrades he would want to look for if he were in the market for a 78-83 SC (chain tensioner upgrades/pop off valve etc)...the difference between the 84-86 Carraras and the 87-89 models. I would be able to explain the engineering in terms that would leave the Kia owner far more informed about 911's...even if some of the things are a bit the ventilation system.

now...back to the DK stuff...they still haven't been able to explain the "class A" designation that they have given their amplifier when it has been brought to question by a number of cmon...XDream technology?...what is it? What makes it different? What makes it better?

I can say one thing for sure...I think I'd get a better return on my $$$'s with a $25k 911 than with a $25k DK speaker.
I find it humorous how many people are so quick to jump on the band wagon of trashing DK, without even hearing, seeing, or having any knowledge of the speaker other than reading a brief review. Additionally, does everyone really think that DK Design is the only company to ever sponsor a review of their product? Thumb through any audio magazine to see who is advertising and who's products are being reviewed (I.E. Stereophile and Musical Fidelity). Wake up.

I think we should cut them some slack and wait until more info is available. Then let the market decide.

An unbiased approach,
maybe DK should ask BetterthenCrack to stop posting such ridiculous threads...haven't you noticed a bit of a pattern...BetterthenCrack isn't doing DK any favors being such a poor schill.