6 Moons Reviews Zu Cable Definition Speaker

Srajan Ebaen gave the Zu Cable Definition speakers the Blue Moon Award.

For more details on this glowing review follow this link:


He liked the Definition so much he traded in his Druid/Method combo.

Personally, I think Zu is really on to something with their designs and I have put them at the top of my review list. FYI - I have no financial interest in Zu at all... just curious.
I notice that 6moons has my speakers, the Fab Audio Model 1, on their upcoming review list. These are in the same vein as the ZU stuff - very high efficiency dynamic speakers - but without the powered bass of the Definitions. I've added subs to my system to achieve a similar effect. It will be very interesting to see the comparison, because they run in the same price bracket.

I was fascinated by the review, though the fact that they needed to adjust the bass level will bear some watching.
Zu will be demo'ing their speakers in Los Angeles August 19&20. Here are the details:

August 19 - 20 Zu Audio Demo

Friday evening, 5pm - 9pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm

Beverly Garland Hotel (Fanciscan Conference Room, 24' x 36')
4333 Vineland Avenue, North Hollywood, CA. Tel.1-800-Beverly
From the May review:
While we're on the $9,000/pr Definition subject, I'll make an educated guess. The Druid is better than 75% of its performance - for 1/3rd the price. After adding the $2,500 Method subwoofer to this equation, you'll cut the Definition's lead in half again, to get 87% or more of its performance for now 60% of the price

Two months later:
As Sean's visit drew to a close, I asked him to take my Druids and the Method sub back to Ogden and bill me for the balance. The Definitions are my new big-rig speakers

40% more money for 13% return in performance. Now there's a true audiophile. My educated guess is that he didn't pay that, but he probably would have after hearing what a difference 13% can make.
Nothing is more annoying than whan reviewers and people use a percentage as a relative measure between two audio components. Well, nothing other than people driving slowly in the left lane.

How many percentage points does a cello sounding more like a cello get? What is the percentage difference between a speaker that makes you lose your interest in music because the piano does not sound quite rich enough and a speaker that has that little bit of extra richness that makes you immobilized in the enjoyment of the music? 2%? 5%? 50% 100% 110% ?
Before I put any stock in ANYTHING Mr. Ebaen says I would try and hear these in person. Read about his BARGIN $40,000 AMPS in the "is this ludicrous" thread.