6 Moons Reviews Zu Cable Definition Speaker

Srajan Ebaen gave the Zu Cable Definition speakers the Blue Moon Award.

For more details on this glowing review follow this link:


He liked the Definition so much he traded in his Druid/Method combo.

Personally, I think Zu is really on to something with their designs and I have put them at the top of my review list. FYI - I have no financial interest in Zu at all... just curious.
Zu will be demo'ing their speakers in Los Angeles August 19&20. Here are the details:

August 19 - 20 Zu Audio Demo

Friday evening, 5pm - 9pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm

Beverly Garland Hotel (Fanciscan Conference Room, 24' x 36')
4333 Vineland Avenue, North Hollywood, CA. Tel.1-800-Beverly
From the May review:
While we're on the $9,000/pr Definition subject, I'll make an educated guess. The Druid is better than 75% of its performance - for 1/3rd the price. After adding the $2,500 Method subwoofer to this equation, you'll cut the Definition's lead in half again, to get 87% or more of its performance for now 60% of the price

Two months later:
As Sean's visit drew to a close, I asked him to take my Druids and the Method sub back to Ogden and bill me for the balance. The Definitions are my new big-rig speakers

40% more money for 13% return in performance. Now there's a true audiophile. My educated guess is that he didn't pay that, but he probably would have after hearing what a difference 13% can make.
Nothing is more annoying than whan reviewers and people use a percentage as a relative measure between two audio components. Well, nothing other than people driving slowly in the left lane.

How many percentage points does a cello sounding more like a cello get? What is the percentage difference between a speaker that makes you lose your interest in music because the piano does not sound quite rich enough and a speaker that has that little bit of extra richness that makes you immobilized in the enjoyment of the music? 2%? 5%? 50% 100% 110% ?
Before I put any stock in ANYTHING Mr. Ebaen says I would try and hear these in person. Read about his BARGIN $40,000 AMPS in the "is this ludicrous" thread.
Srajan's turned over a new leaf. Check out his "Realsizing" series and any of the latest series on the lo-power, hi-eff phenomenon. The basic premise is "how can I minimize $$ without losing the musical message." He dumped his $5k Audiopax preamp for a $2k Modwright unit and sold his Audiopax mono amps. I'm pretty sure he sold his Avantgarde Duos too.