Differences between Accuphase C-2820 and C-3800?

Hi there, I'm mulling over the purchase of the C-2820 but have not totally written off the flagship C-3800. Does anyone know how they differ sonically?

Thanks in advance.
Hi Nvp, why thank you for the invite! I really would like to hear the differences. Here in the US, the A-65 is a whole $9k more than the A-46. So, I really am not able to afford it. If I get it from you know where, yes I would. Also, I don't believe there's a dealer over here where you can compare both amps! I don't get it, the importer wants all of this money, but there's hardly anywhere to audition! Except for CES, really. Imagine that! I will look into the DG-38 as well. Talk to you soon!
Hi Nvp,
Some further thoughts..
After having trialled for couple more days :
*Without Pre ~ The direct/rawness of detail/transparency/resolution and more upfront presentation as always seem impressive and fun to listen to initially, but sure enough signs of fatigue sets in given longer periods.
*With Pre ~ Soundstage sounded more expansive with better dimensionality, presented in a far more relaxed and enjoyable/addicting manner, no fatigue here. *Overall better dynamics and PRAT too, closer to that of live performances.
*However I'm here using same source for comparisons, where else in your case, a supposedly superior one substituting the Pre set-up, so results will invariably differ.

Do weigh into your consideration also that perhaps buying an excellent Pre is after-all the much wiser investment (longer term one) compared to buying a SOTA Cdp? *Either way, just make sure the 800/801 combo you are considering are priced right, one which can be re-sold later at little/no loss to you. ;)

Btw. Do you use HS-link (RJ/E) as interface into your DG? If yes, do try one of the upgraded cables I mentioned above. A worthwhile upgrade for not much money, imo.
Ok, I'm debating on either getting the A-65 amp first, or the C-2420 + C27 first. I'm not able to afford all 3 units at once even though I'm getting a pretty good deal from the dealer. Which would make the most difference in sound in my system? The amp or the pre + phono preamps. Currently running the Bryston 4BSST amp and BP6P preamp. Thanks in advance for your help!
Dave, it is hard to say which choice will yield the best result. Since you buy them form a dealer, can't you do a test?If he is not willing to come over with the units, maybe you can take your speaker to his show room. Nonetheless, my advice will be to get the A-65, but only because it will finalize the search for an amp.

Bvdiman, thanks for the additional info regarding the "pre vs. no pre" issue. I am certainly not surprised to hear that the sound is better when using your pre-amp. After all you use one of the most expensive pre-amps available. It would have been terrible if things where different. :)

Regarding the pre vs. cd player upgrade, it will be much more expensive to upgrade my pre-amp than to buy a DP-800/DC-801 combo. However, while looking at Finite Elemente rack that could accommodate all these Accuphase boxes, I have realized that I actually do not have enough space in my room for such a rack. So, I need to solve this problem first.

Regarding the HS-link cable, I have stumbled on another forum (I've forgotten where) on a thread where you have talked about the top of the line Audioquest network cable and its benefits. I did not play at all with cables so far. The reason is that I am of the opinion that cables are for fine tuning a system with which one is completely happy. Regarding my cables, initially I have used some Audioquest balanced cables (a middle range model, I have forgotten which one). Now I am using two normal but short internet cables as these sounded better than the Audioquests. Once I've settled for a "final" player, I will certainly experiment with cables. Beside Audioquest Diamond, what else do you recommend?
Nvp: Ok, thanks for your answer. He doesn't have the units for demo. Everything is special order in this instance. The dealer is 4 hours from here in Las Vegas. He's in California. There is no Accuphase dealer here. The only way to audition Accuphase is at CES, which I have done in the past 4 years. Ok, that's a good point about the amp. I'll take that into consideration. Also, I have a couple of questiona, do you know if the A-65 will be replaced any time soon? I noticed that the A-65 has been around for a while...And will the A-65 be powerful enough to drive my JBLs? The JBLs are 94 db sensitivity and 6 Ohms impedance.