Klipschorn: Still relevant??

I'm interested in stirring the pot which is my current system. Please see my system for more details but, in summary, I'm conteplating moving from a Cary beam power/triode & Von Schweikert VR4JR based system to a SET/Klipschorn system.

In general, would you consider the move to be "better" or just different. Or worse?? Better being defined as higher fidelity for most types of acoustic music.

Really curious. Your opinion matters! I have to buy most of my equipment without hearing it and have to rely on reputations, opinions, reviews, etc.


I owned the Heresy, LaScala's and CornwallÂ’s over the years. I never had a place that had two empty corners so I never got a chance to own the legend. I moved to the Paradigm Signature's now but I really miss the LaScala's at times. I have time and time again listened to the K horns and they are a real step up from the LaScala IMO. The only real problem with them is there size and room dimensions. In my living room the LaScalas were amazing ... in my smaller listening room - good but not great. Those horns like room.

Throw on Chicago's second album/CD and prepare for a treat! Miles Davis or Dizzy Gillespie aint so bad either.

I ran Carver equipment in the early years and switched back and fourth through tons of mid-grade stuff. I ended up spending a few more bucks and getting a Levinson No. 27 and I was in love. I never really did em justice. I wanted to run tubes but never got there. I heard the k-horns with a Mac amp once, and it was amazing to me. It takes so little to drive them ... they seem tailored for tubes. I would run Mac power, only because I heard it and was so impressed.
Klipschorns will probably always be relevant - they are a classic design. The K-horns do some things that other speakers only dream of. Of course, other speakers do some things that a K-horn can only dream of doing. It is all a matter of sonic priorities. What are your priorities? Careful...you can't have it all!
Klipsch do some things very well, but they are not modern speakers. If you want to get serious about horns you might want to consider something like the Classic Audio Reproduction line. They use much better drivers and parts than Klipsch and it's reflected in the sound quality.

If you're stuck on Klipsch, search the archives, there were several threads on how to upgrade their performance through relatively simple parts swaps.

In direct answer to your original question, no - the Klipsch will not be better than what you have if by better you mean higher levels of fidelity.
Onhwy61; "...,no - the Klipsch will not be better than what you have if by better you mean higher levels of fidelity." Yes, that is exactly what I mean. This is getting to the point of my original thread. Can you please expound on this a bit? What are the strengths of my current system, IYO, compared to a SET/Khorn system. Thanx much.
Pawlowski, it might be helpful if you stated what is so wrong with your system that you want to make such a major change. Your original post makes it sound like you're just bored and want to change just to change.

In broad generalizations, SETs can be very seductive, but it's critical that you match them to a sympathetic speaker and to appropriate music. Small scale jazz, female vocal oriented stuff, chamber music, etc. is better suited for most SETs than full scale orchestra, dance, metal, rap, etc. Of course there are people out there who listen to Metallica thru a single driver horn powered by 1.5 watts and think it sounds great, and you could be one of them, but most likely you're not. I've never heard the combination of equipment you have, but on paper it seems first rate. I suspect you will have a difficult time truly improving upon the overall sound quality. Exactly what are you trying to accomplish?