Best amplifier for Sonus Faber Concerto Home??

I currently have my old amp (Creek 5350SE). Have also tried the SLI-80 by Cary on a one day session. Like things on the "clinical" side, ie speed and detail over "musicality".
Thank you in advance
I think he is saying the Cary was not Clinical enough for him. The Cary amps are not clinical they are very musical with great rhythm and pace.

Maybe Solid State ? You can get a very Clinical sound with Solid state.

As The_kid said "You have wrong speakers if you do NOT like "musicality"." please clarify. Judy426 offered a great response to you question, if we understand it correctly, but you have to be kidding! right?
Thank you for your replies:

Musicality is just fine with me (otherwise id still kept my previous speakers). But i am afraid that a "warm" amp might render the system excessively "soft", thats why i was thinking of a "fast and detailed" amp rather than a musical one. My SFs give me all i want from that aspect (musicality)

Sorry for the "clinical" bit, i meant it as an exageration to make my point clearer, but it obviously messed things up.

-Mark02131 understood me though, and this is exactly my point.
-Tomryan, thanks for the info, but for my budget i think an integrated would be a better solution.
-Judy426, i've thought about the bryston, but id get sky-high on budget, provided that id need an equally good preamp to match, lets say a 3b-sst.
the_kid: "Personally, I cannot think of anything that would sound "worse". I agree. Please check my first paragraph.