Heard the $325000 Acapella's Sphaeron excaliburs?

I doubt many of us can afford them, but may be you have heard at the Show or something. How is the horn sound?
I have spent a couple of hours with the UK distributor of accapella today and a great guy he is too.

I did not hear the speakers in question, but did hear again his Violins which are truly superb. We did a quick a/b demo with Virtual Dynamics vs Kubala Sosna Emotion.

The thing I leave with every time with these speakers is imaging, I have heard nothing like it, ever. What the more expensive acapellas sound like, I have no idea, only my imagination. They must be very special!
Dmurfet, did the plasma tweeter stand out as better than the rest of the speaker. I have not heard the new Violins, but this was the case with them previously. It was also the case on the Campenelles (Sp?).
Excess just what is excess. I guess that depends on your disposable income and what you choose to spend it on. If you are Bill Gates just what do you spend your disposable income on. $325K speakers maby. Is this excess you bet. But it has already been said, tell the average person you spent $1500.00 on cables for your stereo. They will think you are nuts.

My system is yes half of my annual salery. I for one would not trade it for anything in this world. Ok I would like to upgrade a few things but it comes down to disposable income which I don't have right now.

If you are living within your means what does it matter wether you spend 5k or 325k on speakers as long as they bring enjoyment.

Duane, the plasma tweeter in the Acapella's is not a compression driver. Go to the Avantgarde website and learn why they don't use compression drivers either. Horn doesn't always mean compression drivers. But compression drivers done well sound great. I have a friend with an ALE compression multidriver system that's incredible. Why do recording studios use TAD compression drivers if they are so bad. These are people who listen for a living. There are great and poor examples of just about all types of drivers but it's dumb to say all box speakers are no good or all planar speakers are no good. Every type has it's advantages and disadvantages. I've had Sound Lab A-1's and Quads and some great box speakers too but at the moment I think my Avantgarde Trios are way better but still not perfect.
tbg - I'm not sure if one part was better than another - I have only heard this pair and would be difficult to compare. I do think that that a lot of headroom made the normal vinyl clicking and popping even more pronounced. The K-S cables did seem to reduce this effect, but what one man calls low noise another calls rolled out high frequencies - I don't know enough to know the difference!