tyler linbrook signatures vs. b&w 802

I have narrowed it down to these Two speakers. I have heard the B&Ws but not the Tyler on piece system .Which would be the best choice ..Thanks everyone...Joe
If we're allowed to say Christmas on this site, then I wholeheartedly 2nd Dave's sentiment - Merry Christmas!!
I have B&W's and i have Seas Thor, same drivers as Tyler.
The B&w's are way over-rated. The Brits do a great hype job, sure sold me.
The Seas' drivers are the most natural sounding drivers in the world.
A friend of mine has the 802's. I couldn't tell him the truth of how bad they sounded, he was so excited at his new purchase.
I wouldn't trust anyone on here to give you an uncolored opinion if they recommend either one, not because either aren't great speakers, but because it is fairly obvious the vested interests some people seem to have with one or the other brand.

I personally love my B&W 802Ds better than the number of other speakers I demoed, and recommend them, but will you like them as much as I do, or as much as the numerous magazines that have given the 802Ds significant awards and glowing reviews this year? Only you can figure that one out.
Thank you Tom Ryan. I hope you too don't mysteriously perish. [http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?gmusi&1133457554&openusid&zzClassical1&4&5#Classical1] Merry Christmas to all of the Audiogon community.
For what is worth, I recently took my custom Linbrook System II to another speaker builder in my state to get them tested and some speaker grills that will stay on. I was epecting to be told by this speaker manufactuer how much better his speakers were.

Instead, after testing the speakers and correcting a minor blip in the frequency response he told me if he was selling these speakers, he'd charge at least $10,000. Ty charges around $3,600.

When a competitor praises your speakers, and thinks you're undercharging they must be pretty good.

Give Ty's speakers a listen. They are worth 2-3 times what he is charging.