A lot of unrealized systems out there...

I can't help but notice how many items that come up for sale here on Audiogon, or elsewhere, are unopened and never used, intended for a system that never came to fruition..... I mean, if I spent $10k on speakers, I would be listening to them within 2 minutes of being delivered... New equipment excites more than just about anything... I cannot wait to listen, like a little kid on Christmas morning... Are there really that many folks putting together home theaters, or bedroom setups that buy all this gear and then just give up? Consider me a skeptic, or at least, watching with one brow raised... It just seems there are A LOT of these unrealized systems out there on the second hand market...
I see that you are new here, welcome to Audiogon.
You are right to be skeptical, there are some strange goings on here, not everything is at it appears.
You are best to proceed with caution, as there are many sharks in the waters. While there are many decent, honest sellers and buyers here, there are those with hidden agendas too.

Do not believe every story you read. Yes, some folks out there are stupid rich and change gear out without hearing it, but a lot of those ads are dealers too, trying to move stock.

Jmcgrogan2 is right. Things are not always what they seem. In most cases, the talk about unrealized systems is used to get the most money for whatever component is for sale. The seller probably listened to the component and didn't like it. If he's honest, and put that reason in the ad, the buyer may be turned off. Who wants to buy a component from someone who didn't like it? If they say its part of a unrealized system, they avoid putting negative comments in the add. Also, if the component is in like new condition, they may be able to sell it as new, or close to it. Who wants to buy something with a lot of hours on it?
I would say that that most are probably legit here. Feedback is your best friend.