Sand and shot?

This question is really for what most bookshelf speakers sit on--the stand. I'm planning on filling a set of stands(24") but just have the sand presently. Do I really need lead shot as well or will the sand be enough. Most reviews I read on speakers mention stands with both. Any help would be most appreciated.
Try something else. In my experience lead destroyed much of the microdynamics of the music, especially at lower volumes. Sand much less so, but created some resonance issues. I took a hint from the AudioPoints folks and tried fine metal shot (blasting shot off ebay). Sounded very exciting and energetic, but a bt unnatural. A 50:50 mix of steel shot and sand was just the ticked to retain microdynamics but still sound natural.

I also don't like what high mass does to the sound of my bookshelf speakers, and I didn't like the effect of blue tac, but those are lengthy topics by themselves.

Try these things for yourself.
Elizabeth, the generics that I've used are more sticky, tacky, and pliable than Blu-tack. They are also harder to remove, and when exposed to higher temperatures [car interiors] they will deteriorate to a consistency slightly less sticky than used chewing gum! What generic brand are you using? Maybe I'll give it another try.
The last time I tried finding blu-tac I had no luck either so I purchased Scotch 3M Adhesive Putty. It comes packaged identical to the blu-tac and worked identically also as far as I could tell. I'm sure it's available at any store that sell office supplies, including Wal-Mart. As for shot, I had no luck at local Wal-Mart and went to a large sporting goods store that specialized in outdoor (hunting/camping) gear. Lead shot was a good 30% cheaper there than at local gun shop.
As for Ssglx's comments. Wow! Those are some very good ears to hear a difference caused lead vs sand vs steel. Honestly though, I have never tried to hear a difference between blu-tac and similar material. The same goes for listening for a difference caused by stand filler material. Good luck with your search.
I was going to place very fine, pure sand obtained from a pet store for reptile acquariums in the section of my speakers dedicated for mass loading. My thinking was to actually place the sand in 1 pound ziplock bags as a way of proper measuring/calbrating, and also making it a "cleaner" fill. Any thoughts on using sand-filled baggies as opposed to straight sand? I'd think they'd both settle the same.
Hey Walkman I like your idea. May give that a try. Timrhu I'll look for that 3M putty you mentioned. Stay tuned--I'll get this project cooking soon. Thanks to everyone else for there input.