Sand and shot?

This question is really for what most bookshelf speakers sit on--the stand. I'm planning on filling a set of stands(24") but just have the sand presently. Do I really need lead shot as well or will the sand be enough. Most reviews I read on speakers mention stands with both. Any help would be most appreciated.
The last time I tried finding blu-tac I had no luck either so I purchased Scotch 3M Adhesive Putty. It comes packaged identical to the blu-tac and worked identically also as far as I could tell. I'm sure it's available at any store that sell office supplies, including Wal-Mart. As for shot, I had no luck at local Wal-Mart and went to a large sporting goods store that specialized in outdoor (hunting/camping) gear. Lead shot was a good 30% cheaper there than at local gun shop.
As for Ssglx's comments. Wow! Those are some very good ears to hear a difference caused lead vs sand vs steel. Honestly though, I have never tried to hear a difference between blu-tac and similar material. The same goes for listening for a difference caused by stand filler material. Good luck with your search.
I was going to place very fine, pure sand obtained from a pet store for reptile acquariums in the section of my speakers dedicated for mass loading. My thinking was to actually place the sand in 1 pound ziplock bags as a way of proper measuring/calbrating, and also making it a "cleaner" fill. Any thoughts on using sand-filled baggies as opposed to straight sand? I'd think they'd both settle the same.
Hey Walkman I like your idea. May give that a try. Timrhu I'll look for that 3M putty you mentioned. Stay tuned--I'll get this project cooking soon. Thanks to everyone else for there input.
Thx South43, I am borrowing it from the suggestion of my dealer. Also, to be clearer than my other post, it's for mass loading a floorstanding speaker, not speaker stands. I don't want to hijack the thread, but my approach seemed to be related to the topic at hand, so I "put it out there" for feedback.
An update: I did find the blu tack(actually yellow)at Walmart as well as the shot. However I did not purchase the shot as they only had #6 in stock. A project for another day. In addition I just purchased a pair of Epos ELS 3's so it's been a good day I'll be looking for them soon. Like I said earlier these stands are not all that and I plan to update them in the near future. I want again to thank everyone for there feedback. Bret