Anyone try Townshend Super Tweeters?

I have a speaker using modded titanium tweeters,going flat to 25 khz.Very good air and detail.However I did hear the Townshends once,used above a silk dome(the main speaker was a Sonus Faber Extrema),with incredible results.Truthfully,to me,the best high freq transducers seem to "still" be ribbons.I'm contemplating giving the Townshends a try.

Any thoughts?
Eldartford, I don;t doubt yr disc player measures flat on a sine & yr maggies likewise. Try (if feasible) to measure response (FR + PR) on a musical signal at listening position in room & compare to what's on the storage medium -- say the cd in this case.
As to your ears, they are possibly "sensing" a combination two things. 1) that there is info beyond 14kHz (which is what you note, so I'll take yr word for it), because, 2) there is no steep/sudden barrier/filter/drop over 14kHz -- i.e. the sound continues even if yr accuity drops.

People listening to linear extended HF reproduction find the sound "softer" than when there is a sharp roll off within the audible range. Cheers
Gregm...I am not sure I understand exactly your suggestion, but I have noticed that when playing music the spectrum measured by the microphone (real sound) on one analyser is amazingly alike to the spectrum measured (by a second analyser) for the electrical signal. Of course both displays are constantly changing, so an exact comparison is not possible but close correlation is obvious. As I said, it surprises me how close this is, what with room effects and all.
I must admit that due to extensive research,the Muratas look to be more to my needs!Time will tell,as I'm going to take the plunge,for one of them,at least.Thanks for all feedback,guys!
ELdartford... that's a good thing. Losses are usually visible (slightly, but still). You must have equalised yr reproduced sound very well!
Gregm...Credit should go to the Behringer auto equalization process. All I do is push the buttons.