On a budget 802N or 803D??? Dealer says 803D.

I'm on a budget and interested in upgrading from Paradigm 100's to B&W 802N or 803D. Room size is 14 by 26 with 10 foot ceilings. Sitting approximatly 16 feet away. Will use them for home theater and two channel. Using five channel Parasound 2205, 220 watts per channel. May consider upgrading to Classe amp. Dealer is suggesting 803D's. I'm thinking and loving the looks of 802N's. Which one would you suggest and why. Your help is truely appreciated. Thanks Audiogoners!
Recently sold my N802's to move to the Diamond line. Ended up with the big ones, but listened to the 803D's quite a bit. IMO, a much better speaker then my N802's, but, Big is right, you will need to be careful with system matching. Classe amps are wonderful with the B&W's though, if that's in the cards. Email me if you're interested in more detail.
Well, if you consider resale value, I suggest you go for 803D. Newer model able to keep higher resale value. Since B&W just update the whole 800 series, therefore, there are at least 4 years before they change their line again.
The German magazine Stereo, who had the 802N as a reference speaker, tested the new 803D and found it to outperform the 802 in the middles and highs, if not the bass. So the advice of your dealer seems true.
This is a tough decision that I also have been considering. The 803D definately has a better top-end and may also image better due to its narrower front baffle and slimmer cabinet. The midrange seems like a tie, though Dealers claim that it's clearer/more detailed and not as coarse as in the Nautilus series. The bass goes plenty deep but probably not as deep as the N802 but it is tighter, Dealers claim better overall bass response from 803D. The smaller foot-print of the 803D will make it an easy fit in most rooms, plus I believe that it's easier to drive due to a more amplifier friendly impedence curve vs the N802 which has a well known reputaion for being somewhat difficult to drive. I've come across 803D Demos for close to $6K which is a very good deal considering that a pair of well used N802s with shipping will run you $5K. As far as looks, the 803D in Black looks very impressive as does the N802, though the look of a one-piece, all-wood cabinet might be a better asthetic fit in more rooms than the Nautilus head design. I'm sure that you will have no regrets either way since both of these models are capable of performing well beyond the capacity of most rooms and electronics.