Anyone here using vintage speakers?

I am mostly a lurker and reader here and see very little conversation about vintage speakers (pre 1985). I have owned Altec 604's for about a year now and love the hell out of them. Just wondered if there are other vintage users in this crowd?

What brand of vintage speaks from Tech HiFi? You didn't say.

The best I remember at Tech HiFi to be had for that price on sale might be Ohm E's? I sold dozens of them back in the day.

Or could be EPIs or smaller Infinitys or Advents maybe?
McIntosh XR-7 (2 pairs), McIntosh XR-5 (1 pair), JBL L-65 (one pair). I have the Macs coupled with the 107 Equalizers.

The Macs reproduce just about everything wonderfully. The JBLs sound best with quality rock.

I enjoy them all.
Sold my Magnepan MG-1s in Late 2007 after a well over 25 year run. Even had 'em factory rebuilt once. A 'landmark' in my personal stereo development. Replacement? New 1.6s, of course!
In a second system, I have 1978 Altec Model 19s, driven by a turntable of similar vintage and an amp which is just a little bit younger. They are wonderful. And they are the best bang for buck I can think of in speakerland.
Being from New England I've collected three models of the Acoustic Research speakers, the AR-9, AR-3A, and the Ar-2AX, as well as a pair of the Large Advents. I must admit the only pair I have set up are the AR-9s which are legendary four-way speakers with two 12-inch woofers. Must find a good home for the other speakers one of these days.