Anyone here using vintage speakers?

I am mostly a lurker and reader here and see very little conversation about vintage speakers (pre 1985). I have owned Altec 604's for about a year now and love the hell out of them. Just wondered if there are other vintage users in this crowd?
Have used many excellent modern speakers from budget to pricey, but like vintage better. Currently using Tannoy Cheviots in one sysemt and KLH Model 6s in the other system.

The vintage speakers have a really nice "chesty" sound to them that I find modern speakers don't have.
Nothing but "vintage" here:

Two systems

Cave system in basement: Original Snell "E" bought new 1979

"Big system" in living room:Acoustat model "2" bought used in 1981.

best of both worlds; electrostatic planers and high efficiency 2-way boxs.

love them both and have no desire what so ever to replace them.

I'm using a pair of KEF Reference 104.2s as my mains, a KEF 200 C, and two KEF Reference 102.2s for surrounds. I have two 102.2s in a secondary system, and a pair of AR3a speakers sitting in my closet that I hope to set up again someday.

I tried many, to arrive at, Craigs/List $150 now convinced one MAY not have to spend a fortune to enjoy music didnt really know about klip. speakers Its nice to be surprised once and awhile Good Luck