Anyone here using vintage speakers?

I am mostly a lurker and reader here and see very little conversation about vintage speakers (pre 1985). I have owned Altec 604's for about a year now and love the hell out of them. Just wondered if there are other vintage users in this crowd?
I'm using a pair of KEF Reference 104.2s as my mains, a KEF 200 C, and two KEF Reference 102.2s for surrounds. I have two 102.2s in a secondary system, and a pair of AR3a speakers sitting in my closet that I hope to set up again someday.

I tried many, to arrive at, Craigs/List $150 now convinced one MAY not have to spend a fortune to enjoy music didnt really know about klip. speakers Its nice to be surprised once and awhile Good Luck
Gale 401a circa 1974.Used with a modern valve amp they are superb.
Toshiba SS30s from the early 60s.One of the great listening experiences-almost Tannoy DC like in presentation-lacking the smear that plagues most speakers.

Interesting to note Tangents are mentioned.I had the RS4s for years.Wonderful very BBC sounding speakers.