How to audition used speakers???

I'm looking for some nice used speakers for a second, very modest system. I'm looking, almost entirely, at used speakers, especially Spicas. I've bought equipment on Audiogon, but as far as speakers, I'm hesitant. How can I audition speakers that I want to buy used via eBay or Audiogon? Isn't buying speakers this way as good as rolling a die? I'm interested in these Spicas, but I've never heard them! Anyone have a pair that lives close to me (06830)?

Incidentally, what are good "classic" speakers?
"Since the output of the receiver is small,..... I feel that you don't need a subwoofer if you have a good pair of floorstanders. "

A sub takes the power away from the main amp, and of the amp is small as you say, then all the more reason you need a sub.

Note that many, or most floorstanders don't have an appreciable output where the sub would be in any case.
I bought a pair of bi-wired KEF Reference 104/2s based solely on reputation and reviews. I recognized the shipping address as very high-end Manhatten, but still I suppose it was a gamble. I love the speakers and have never regretted that gamble. If at some point the 104/2s become unrepairable, I'll look for a pair of Sophias or Sophia-2s. So I'd say buying used speakers entails some risk, but a worthwhile risk. I'm not as cavalier about selling and shipping as some who have posted on this thread, but then I've only been a buyer.

"Isn't buying speakers this way as good as rolling a die?"

Yes. Find a good dealer and work with him, unless you like rolling dice.

well, I just disagree. I DID buy a new set of speaker from a good dealer after spending a great deal of time auditioning them. When upgrade time came, I sold them for half my purchase price. Don't be mistaken, buying from a dealer IS a good option, but don't be confused about the economics. If you are careful, and thoughtful, you can significantly eliminate the risk of used, and end up with more speaker than if you buy new.
You will have to save up to get good floorstanders. Even the low end is higher than that. Once youve at least doubled and more likely tripled your capitol. The only way to "audition" anything is to listen to them. That is by definition what you must do. If you want a bewildering array of current production speakers go to an audio show. You will hear a bunch but but that will eat into your money. I would go the garage sale route if I were you. It's hopless witth just a couple of hundred. A decent pair of input tubes cost that much.