Horns vs Ribbons vs Dyanamic

Something I've been interested in: could you shed some light on the pros and cons, as well as technical info, of different types of speakers? These are the kinds I know about, are there others?

Electrostatic (????)

I have found that from around 65hz, and below...cones are king, over all others... (size and cost being the main factor here).

Other than that, I can't think of a single area of sound reproduction where a cone has the edge over ribbon/planer/E-stat types...at least not for general home use.

Horns?....great fun!

Shadorne, don't be so elementary. (I don't believe I'm having to respond this way)...I don't expect somebody at your level of understanding to comprehend what I said.

I see that "elementary" was either too much for you or simply beneath you.

Either way, I think your attitude towards others reflects most poorly upon yourself.
What about line arrays? Like horns (and sealed versus ported boxes for coned woofers), the line array is a unique driver implementation approach. I've never heard horns or arrays and would value the informed comments of those who've compared arrays to the "dynamic drivers in a box", horns and planars/stats.
stehno...no offense, but test discs by their very nature, only serve the purpose of the test disc manufacturer. i've never met a sound engineer, record producer, or a loudspeaker designer who put'any' stock in test or burn discs. trying 70 pairs of speakers with any test disc may be a sign to relax a bit and just enjoy 'tunes' on your system. take care...its only rock and roll
They all tend to push air. I think there was somthing called the Heil AMT which tended to sqeeze the air like a watermelon seed between you thumb and forfinger?