Music to evaluate Speakers and System

I would like to hear about some of the pieces of music or test cd others use to evaluate a system.
I agree with others, first use what you know best. I have a few tracks I like, I am a great believer in opera, to sort the men from the boys.
Verdi's Otello, the version with Domingo and frenni, has a very busy opening, a lot of movement, chorus set in a deep soundstage, you even get a cannon, for goodness sake.
I also like Shawn Colvin's Cover Girl, not because it is a great test, but I love it and play it often.
"Planet Drum" by Mickey Hart was an audiophile staple 15 years ago and the bass album by Dean Peer. Both are instrumental's, but they'll highlight good dynamics.
I have the 1st ten records Sheffield released. Bought new-kept like new.(I am a collector 'nut', have been 4 4ty yrs) Listening to them now really reveals clean recording- but.... Your better off getting jazz records from the 60's & 70's. Many are startlingly! good.
When you get into it you'll realize why many 'old-timers' kept insisting "mono" was better than stereo. Heck, I think solo instuments like flute & guitar would still sound better recorded "mono" and played back on one speaker.KISS. Clarity, dynamics, nuance.