Opinions of people who have OWNED Adagio's

I'd like to hear from people who have actually owned Acoustic Zen Adagio speakers. They're on my short list for auditioning. I've got a Unico SE integrated (140w) and Cairn Fog v3 cd player.
I had mine for about 6 months and really liked them, but the wife did not care for the looks...so they left. They are fast, smooth and dynamic. I used them with a Cary sli-80 f1 and was very happy. The speakers are very balanced and coherent in their presentation. I really liked the ribbon tweeter, fast yet smooth never bright. If you like the looks they are great speakers for the $$. If I am ever aloud to do it again I will get the extreme Adagios from Response audio, they are more cash, but resonable.
Hope that helps.
Nice assesment of the speaker,thats one of the attributes of the adagio i love its never bright and impossing in the high end.It is just conveys the music,yes the looks are a little on the not the prettiest speaker around,but they will be in my system for awhile.the matched maple is sweet in red though.
It's testes, or both testis, not testies, unless you are are living too close to a nuclear power plant or referring to a multiple product testers in the wrong tense. I hope you wouldn't get those caught between your legs, although I can think of some product testers that you might appreciate ;)

Never heard the Adagios but it seems like they are well liked in this community. Probably worth seeking out for a long audition. And no, I'm not nuts about nuts.
If I am ever aloud to do it again I will get the extreme Adagios from Response audio
07-26-08: Brm1

No offense, but the word is spelled "allowed" rather than "aloud." If you are ever allowed? In other words, if your wife ever allows you to buy the Adagios again, you will? You have to be kidding, right?
I heard them with Red Dragon digital amps and modwright preamp and couldn't understand what all the fuss was about---but it was at a show, so show conditions not withstanding. good, but certainly not great.