What did you replace your Aerial 10T's with?

I've had my 10T's for 9 years, and still think they are pretty great, but am getting the upgrade bug. What I like best about them is that they play loud without strain, have strong low bass, and great dynamics. I'm a drummer - can you tell? However, my wife is a singer, so sweet mids for vocals is also important, and here I think the 10T's are good but not great. So, to the ex-10T owners out there, what did you upgrade to, and how do you you like what you chose? I'm thinking Wilson Sophia's might have the same attributes I like now, just more so, but am still looking for suggestions in that price range.

I know your speakers very well and they are very good, I also owned the EMC-1 CDP which is also very good. You might want to try different cables. I owned the blue heavens which I thought were good until I tried better cabling and then found how limiting the blue heavens were.

Describing the Krell as a 'sledgehammer' is not far off, which can be really fun at times for the slam, and my new ARC LS-26 has really smoothed out the hard edges on the softer material.
Before changing out your speakers,try different cabling and power conditioning. I have 3 different brands of power conditioners and they each offer a different presentation. Lately, I've been upgrading to higher quality power cords and have gotten impressive results. After considerable experimenting, I've found certain combinations that work just right for my ears.
It seems to me from your description you are looking for more 'mid-bloom' (but with accuracy and warmer attributes) in your sound, but without losing any of the excellent bass and precision of the 10Ts. I would highly recommend the Tyler Linbrook monitors and a good subwoofer, like a REL Stadium or B2/B3, and I think you will be amazed at the difference without spending more than 5k.
To answer your question directly, I replaced the Model 6's with the Tylers, but have not owned the 10s.