Any High-end speakers "kid-friendly" not fragile?

OK. Crazy question. Have friend who wants to set-up nice system in multi-purpose 17x22 room where kids will play. Wants to know if there are any hi-end spkrs (budget $5k-10k used) where the drivers are not so fragile or so expensive to replace (ie, he doesn't want B&W diamond tweeter that is both very fragile and costs $1200 or more to replace). Now, mind you, his kids aren't playing with knives, lol, but the occasional bump or finger touch to paper cones, metal dome tweeters are a concern. Any sugestions?
Nothing on stands, wide bases are preferable.
Thiel Powerpoints would be ideal?
A studio version of Klipsch would prove indestructible.
Swamp: most grills I've seen are just cloth. Doesn't seem like much protection.
Rleff: In walls are out of question.
Son: Martin Logans? Hmmm, interesting. Maggies too? Are the panels on planars, ESLs, etc, reasonably strong? I understand about the squirt gun, but what about metal contact, say a metal toy or key or cell phone?
Does anyone still make high end speakers with perforated metal grilles? I bought a pair of ADS L1090 speakers the year my daughter was born. They were perfect--floorstanding, so she couldn't a speaker off a stand (and dent her punky li'l head), sealed enclosure (no ports for stuffing dolls or other items), and perforated metal grilles, which completely protected the drivers behind and provided reasonably transparent sound when in place.

Also, on a narrow tower, I recommend getting outrigger feet to make them less prone to tipping over.
Ask your buddy to be realistic. If kids are allowed to run wild in the media room, there's a chance the speakers are going to get trashed. The best choices: (1) put speakers in the room that s/he can afford to replace or repair as needed, (2) train the kids not to run wild in the room. Parental and kids' temperament ought to guide the choice. If parent is worried all the time about whether the equipment is going to get damaged, that won't be much fun for anyone.