B&W Speakers

For a dedicated stereo music system in a room that measures 12' x 14' where the speakers will be roughly 7' apart, 1.5' from the back wall and 9' from the listener, which B&W speakers would you recommend for approx. $3000-$5000?

The speakers will be powered by a Linn 4200 (4 x 200W) power amp.
It is just a question of whether you can accommodate the larger footprint of the 804 or 803. The 805 is a fantastic speaker, but lets face it, it is a monitor/bookshelf dweller that is seriously lacking in bass. It is a small speaker, and it just isn't there. It will not sound better than the 804 or 803 in ANY room. The 805 may make more sense ergonomically/physically in that room, but it won't sound better.

The 804 is just a better speaker. The 803S is even better. I think the 803S is the best choice if you can accommodate the footprint. It is worth the upgrade over the 804. The 804 leaves something to be desired in the bass department. The 803 is balanced better.
I can fall on either side of camps as both have valid points. Having owned 2 pairs of B&W monitors before(lived with a pair for 9 years) I can vouch for their quality and sonic performance. It is a very personal thing when it comes to developing a personal preference to a certain type of sound so I can understand the love and hate thing when it comes to choosing the right speaker.

I concur with Kehut in the allocation of room treatments if considering floorstanders especially if the listening space is small. It is always desirable to consider speakers with the biggest drivers possible to obtain a full and coherent sound across the frequency spectrum, although monitors have their own charms as well. The 805S and Signature 805 monitors are real nice. As Cmach has mentioned, monitors do have an advantage in terms of flexibility in placement compared to larger floorstanders.

I also agree with Stringreen. I guess a huge chunk of money goes into B&W's marketing.
As previously posted you have better choices than B&W at every price point. Much like Krell, it's a dinosaur brand living off of an "audiophile" reputation. Hobbyists in the know that have auditoned other brands, don't buy this stuff.

Look to Vandersteen, Von Schweickert, Verity, Aerial, etc. for better sonics at the same or even less money.
If you place the speakers in the short wall, they would sound better.

I too am not a fan of B&W - please visit some hifi shops, and compare it to other speakers. I like speakers with scan speak drivers.

If you buy used here at the audiogon, you will end up with more quality.