Budget minded bookshelves

I'm beginning to build my budget college setup (I'm a freshmen) and am really confused when it comes to speakers because there's just so many choices. I already have an Onix SP3 MKII integrated amp and a Fubar II USB DAC. Right now I'm looking for some decent bookshelf speakers in the $3-350 range used. That price does not include shipping. Any ideas? I'm looking at mainly B&W DM602s and PSB B25s. Since I'm around 150 miles from any kind of dealer auditioning isn't an option -- but I'm okay with buying and trying, and selling if necessary. None of the dealers I can find have any "low-end" stuff in stock.
Ag insider logo xs@2xuncledavid218

These are real nice. Too bad you weren't in the market for these this past summer. They were $200/pair.
I just saw a pair of Celestion 8s on Audiogon for $200. In the past I've owned the 3s and the 5s for second systems and been very happy. I've not heard the 8s, but at the price, you've got little to lose. My mother still uses my old 3s. They sounded quite good just the other day.
You can't go wrong with NHT. The SB2 or Classic Two
can be found used here on the gon, and would fit you budget.
Vanns has the Energy RC 10 on sale for $300 shipped.
Great little speaker for the money.
In a weak moment, I regretfully sold mine.
If you're really lucky you might be able to find a pair of Paradigm Studio 20s here, on eBay, Craigslist (much less likely), etc. They can occasionally fall through the cracks for less (I got embarrassingly lucky w/ eBay a number of years back) and are pretty spectacular for that price. I also think both the PSBs or VSs would be a really good find if you can find 'em at your price point. That part's all a crap shoot, and you may have to lurk for a while until you find a decent deal at your price.
I would recommend four different speaker choices for you.
1) Epos Els-3
2) Usher S-520
3 )Triangle Stella
4) PSB B25

I would also probably get a better DAC. You can get the VALAB USB DAC on ebay for $200. That's about $50 more than the Fubar, but it is much much better. I've had both.

All the above speakers should work with the tubes you have, and I think you would be happy with any of them. I have the Epos right now and for the $200 I paid for them they do so many things right. They are amazing for the price.