Speakers help for a newb...

Let me start off by saying I'm a total newb to the audio scene so if I sound like I don't know what I'm talking about it's because...I don't. A buddy of mine recommended I visit this site to get some expert opinions.

I have a $1000 budget and would like to purchase a pair of speakers (new or used). At the moment, all I have is a receiver (Rotel RSX 1056). My next purchase will be speakers if I can manager to not get so overwhelmed by all the choices out there.

Here are my criteria:

1. Must be at or under $1000

2. If used, must be in very good functional and cosmetic condition

3. Can be floorstanding or bookshelf.

4. The fact that my musical taste is all over the chart (from Bach to Morbid Angel) needs to be taken into consideration.

5. These speakers will be in our main living space (room size = 15 x 15). My wife would probably prefer something that doesn't visually overwhelm the space but that's not a huge concern for me.

Please let me know if I'm missing any important information for you guys to come up with some good recommendations.

I would suggest a pair of PSB T65 new for $799. You can also buy matching smaller speakers for surround sound later on if you wish. If you need a source how about a
Oppo 980H for $169. It plays CD,DVD,SA Audio and DVD-A can do a search and find out more.

Just a note here... or two.

Some here feel quite strongly about how to go about setting up a system As was said previously, speaks first then find an amp... obviously such is not your case here... but that won't halt those who feel strongly about those things... their thoughts carry some weight, yet aren't always congruent to the circumstances at hand.

No matter. There is more than one way to peel a banana so just log that for future use perhaps. Same thing for the room size.

We all started somewhere and likely things weren't optimum then, and many aren't now as optimized as they might wish.

So we do what we can and when we can with what we have to do it all with. Front to back, Back to front, Or from the inside out. Doesn't matter one wit which way you go... so long as you get into it.

if monitors (bookshelf) you'll need stands to do them justice. Floorstanders will take up just as much sq ft as mons on stands. Hmmm.

If you're looking ahead, and wanting to go multi ch, getting a pair of floorstanding speakers first isn't a terrible thought... just see if a center ch is made which will match the towers, so you can get it later on, eg., same brand probably at least. Same voiced center model is better.

tons of good choices here already. Silverline SR15s posted here now are fine units for either music or HT... they will need stands though. A sub too will help. I have a pair myself.

My last bit is stay as current as possible or within your limits, and give some creedence to their sensitivity and minimum impedance numbers. For your current issue (s) 89db & up, with imp ratings of 6 or higher will sure help with what you are using now, and make things a bit easier later on if an amp is added or outright wholesale changes are then made, you won't have to be looking about for high wattage amps only.

Check out some of the magazines buyers guides, make a few stops about your area and listen to a few models.

The thing about anything here... CDP, amps, speakers, etc. is that they are such subjective items. They'll sound different to two people standing side by each to one another in the exact same room! You've gotta pull the trigger and all we can do is point to what we dig now or have enjoyed previously using our gear and our ears. Which actually may... and or not, suit you.

...and remember, in building a rig... EVERYTHING MATTERS!

Paradigm S2 (v1)...monitor - needs good stands. I've seen several pairs recently that have been offered within your budget.

Stereophile Class A monitor (find reviews online)
Stunning finishes (high WAF)
Easy to drive (better w/ SS amps)
Just the right speaker for a 15x15 room

Good luck! ...and welcome to A'gon!
Even though it was probably at least in part directed at me, Blindjim makes a fair point. That said, I'm guessing that your room is almost half a cube. Notoriously challenging, especially within your budget. I usually agree that floorstanders are usually offer the best value, and the footprint is typically the same as minimonitors with stands. In this case I suspect speakers with limited bass output might work better. In situations such as yours, I recommend that whatever speakers and amplification you purcahse make absolutlely sure you can get a full refund if they don't work for you, or at the very least be able to resell them at minimal loss. I think your in for an odyssey.
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