Gallo 3.1's and amps?

Just curious if anyone has used a Tube Amp with the Gallo 3.1's? I tried a Jolida 1000rc and it sounded nice. I'm looking to get the most out of my Gallo 3.1's and want to increase the power. I'm currently using a Sherbourn 5210a, which is rated at 5x200. I listen mostly to Rock music at loud volumes.

Would it be better to just stick with a Solid State amp like a Bryston 4bsst? Does anyone have any suggestions on some amps to try? Any thoughts or help on this would be appreciated.
I'm driving my 3.1's with a pair of 60 watt tube mono-blocks with no problems. I play a lot of rock and at times it can get pretty loud. If you are a real headbanger you may need a more powerful amp, but tubes will be fine.
Drove them with both a Cary SLI-80 and a Cary Rocket 88R- both were fantastic.
Newbrook, if they really weren't broken in, they're pretty much guaranteed to sound like hell. I don't know why Gallo didn't do it (they do specify a minimum 100 hr. break-in in the owner's manual) because I've never heard speakers that sound so blah -- hard and 2-dimensional -- after they have about 6 hours on them. Once they get the hours on them, they're terrific.
Do you think that an 845 amp at 20wpc will be enough power for the 3.5's?
I will probably eventually get two per side, as advised by Pierre Sprey at Mapleshade. One firing forward and the other firing backward. I would think this would a similar idea to stacked 57's although the 3.5's would be more dynamic and go lower.
Most likely will do the SA amp as well.
If I were to get two per side, and two SA amps per side, what would be the preferred way to connect everything?
I have Gallo 3.1's

I have ran in order:
Response audio modified Jolida 502brc Integrated 60wpc kt88 Ultra Linear Class AB
McIntosh MA6900 Integrated 200wpc SS
Wyred 4 Sound ST1000 500wpc Class D with Cary 98SLP preamp
Clayton S40 50 wpc Class A SS with Cary 98SLP preamp
Ayon Spirit II 60wpc Pentode 40wpc Triode Integrated kt88 Class A
Unison Unico SE Integrated 140wpc SS Class AB with triode tube input stage

Yes the Gallos do well with tubes, I love tubes, but you aren't going to get loud rock from these speakers with tubes. Not kick butt bust your balls hard rock.

I would suggest you get a high power SS integrated for your listening style. The Unico SE I am using right now would be a top contender. Tremendous grip on the bass without any strain or bloat at high volumes. Surprisingly close to the Clayton/Cary combo for 1/3 of the cost.

I would think Unison, Krell, wyred4sound, and Musical fidelity integrateds which are all brands I have had at one time or another would be a good match. I am sure there are many more but from my personal experience these should make these speakers stand up and rock. All can be had for $1,500.00 or less.

FWIW I have found Morrow Audio wire to work very well with Gallo speakers.