Anyone own the King Sound "King" speaker that can

give me some feedback. How do you like them? How do they compare to SoundLAB's newest PX series?

Do they have enough body and texture - "meat on the bones".
I am most interested in this speaker and look forward to your comments.

I have 300 watt monoblock amps so power is not an issue. My room is 24 x 18 and they will be 6-7 feet out from the wall behind them.
Hi I have the King Sound, model King and they aretruly one of the best sounding electrostatic speakers I have heard and they are in a class with few others regardless of the type of Transducers used.

The have a natural tonal balance that I have seldom heard. In my listening room they offer wall to wall imaging with the inside edges of the panels about 6 feet apart and the sound stage has great depth as well. The Bass is both tight and deep, you would never guess you were listening to panels when you play music with deep bass. "These speakers clearly out perform their $8500 by a factor of 2,3 or 4.

Feel free to email if you have questions as I don't spend a lot of time checking out the forums here on Agon.

Grannyring- I went over to Neal's (poster above)today and listened to the Kings at length today. All I can say is they are amazing. I used to own Aerial 20t's (among others) which were $28k new. Since they left I've never heard resolution like that in a speaker. The Kings have it all, but with more depth and texture, and a bigger fuller overall sound. It's not hyper detail, it's just everything perfectly natural and real. Completely tonally balanced. And a full orchestra? I got goose bumps. It's like you can reach out and touch the instruments.
Doug Schroeder, reviewer at, reviewed and I believe subsequently purchased the Kings for himself. He lurks around here as well and I'm sure when he sees this topic he will jump aboard. In the meantime, check out his review.
The King has a built-in protection circuitry so that it will automatically cut output significantly if it's run too hard. Nice; you won't blow out a speaker. Mine have done that occasionally. However, you can run them moderately loud. I can run them about 88-90dB as measured from about 12 feet from the speakers, my listening position, without stress.

The bass is gratifying, extraordinary for a full range panel speaker. Driver coherence, texture of instruments and voices and tonality are all first class.

When set up well they are quite the experience! Many speakers are impressive, but not all that involving. The King is highly involving, as well as impressive. I don't care to reveal it publicly yet but I have running now an "alternative" rig which makes the King sound scintillating! It's an odd pairing but the results are astounding. I had two audiophile friends over this past weekend and they were as amazed as I have been.

Your room looks like it would be pretty well suited for the King, but check your amps to make sure they can handle low impedance, about 2 Ohms.