Vandersteen 2C vs. Klipsch Cornwall

Anyone have experience with both of these speakers? Any reasons to prefer the sonics of one vs. the other? Which one has better low end? Midrange? Hi end? Which one has better imaging? Which do you enjoy listening to the most overall? Thanks!
Two VERY different sounding speakers!! Not an apples to apples comparison, not even apples to oranges. More like apples to rutabegas!!! IMO. YMMV.
The vandies win in any audiophile values shootout, but the cornwalls are the 'just get me off this merry-go round' product.A one-man, easy to navigate,khorn that says 'screw hi end, let's rock'. I respect the vandie,but here I'd pick age over beauty.
The Vandy will be better (i.e. more natural sounding) in every sense except senitivity - the Klipsch is VERY sensitive (102 dB/watt) and can use flea-powered amps. The Vandy needs power depending on your room size. Vandy's are time and phase coherent so imaging will be sublime when set up properly. The entire frequency range will also sound more natural on the Vandy compared to the Klipsch with horn drivers. As the previous poster says, VERY different speakers. You really need to listen to them first.
If you want loud, bass power, and little regard for choice of amp, the Cornwall fits the bill nicely. It will come with plenty of box coloration too.

If you want tonal accuracy, coherent music, natural and accurate reproduction and no box coloration, the Vandersteens are very hard to beat. Vandersteens can play loud enough if you have the right amp and the right size Vandy for the job.

While a valid comparison, the speakers you have selected are very different indeed. I have used both by the way.