Vandersteen 2C vs. Klipsch Cornwall

Anyone have experience with both of these speakers? Any reasons to prefer the sonics of one vs. the other? Which one has better low end? Midrange? Hi end? Which one has better imaging? Which do you enjoy listening to the most overall? Thanks!
The vandies win in any audiophile values shootout, but the cornwalls are the 'just get me off this merry-go round' product.A one-man, easy to navigate,khorn that says 'screw hi end, let's rock'. I respect the vandie,but here I'd pick age over beauty.
The Vandy will be better (i.e. more natural sounding) in every sense except senitivity - the Klipsch is VERY sensitive (102 dB/watt) and can use flea-powered amps. The Vandy needs power depending on your room size. Vandy's are time and phase coherent so imaging will be sublime when set up properly. The entire frequency range will also sound more natural on the Vandy compared to the Klipsch with horn drivers. As the previous poster says, VERY different speakers. You really need to listen to them first.
If you want loud, bass power, and little regard for choice of amp, the Cornwall fits the bill nicely. It will come with plenty of box coloration too.

If you want tonal accuracy, coherent music, natural and accurate reproduction and no box coloration, the Vandersteens are very hard to beat. Vandersteens can play loud enough if you have the right amp and the right size Vandy for the job.

While a valid comparison, the speakers you have selected are very different indeed. I have used both by the way.
Thanks for the replies so far and please keep them coming.

I own the 2Cs and I've heard other Vandys; I know the 5 is popular and I really liked the 4 when I heard those. I dismissed Klipschs (and JBLs and a bunch of other stuff) in the 1970s, and I know that from an audiophile perspective that the Vandy's are theoretically more tonally accurate and phase coherent, etc., and I realize we're talking "apples and rutabegas" as Swampwalker says, but something that Jaybo said resonated with me highly: "just get me off this merry-go round", and also "screw hi end, let's rock".

I'm a big ARC fan and have had several of their tube amps and preamps; currently I'm driving the the 2Cs with an ARC solid state D400MkII - which is surprisingly good and has plenty of guts; no doubt the system gear is all reasonably good including an ARC CD3MkII. But I had a chance to hear a pair of Cornwalls that were driven by an all-in-one (CD, tuner, amp nearly a boom box) with probably 26 gauge speaker wire with both speakers sitting side by side (a foot apart) in a small bedroom and I could tell there was a lot of fun music coming out; and there are clearly a lot of big fans of Cornwalls who have very happily kept their speakers for many years. And I'm thinking set up properly in a room with a good 300B amp they might just boogie but still be "delicate" and "defined" with good "texture" and most importantly, get me out of "analytic land". On the other hand, they might be fatiguing and short lived.

The thought of a 100dB or so sensitivity speaker that could let a tube amp do some magic is kind of intriguing - but since I prejudicially ruled out Klipsch (and some other brands) about 35 years ago it’s kind of hard to go over to the “not real official high end gear dark side”. But maybe it’s worth a try?

In general, I’d day that if after 35 years I’m still looking, I haven’t found what I’m seeking, and so maybe I ought to look elsewhere. Having said that, a few years ago I went on the full ascent and went for some Soundlab M3 electrostats and some mondo ARC and VTL tube amps and I determined that I could never get from here to there not because the SLs and the tube gear wasn’t great (the system was awesome in several respects; the detail, definition, and imaging were exquisite) but because my room is marginal at best; it’s almost big enough (about 18 x 12) but after listening and studying my room carefully with a spectrum analyzer I discovered my room just has crummy dimensions, reflections, nulls, etc. that all result in some strange frequency response curve. I came to the conclusion that the room is half or more of the end result, sold the gear and gave up. If I could build a custom room (probably along the lines of what Cardas recommends), I'd go back to the Soundlab electrostat and deluxe tube gear route, no doubt.

Anyway, being a committed hifi-er - I can quit any time I want, I just don’t want to :), I started over again with the Vandy 2Cs (and some DQ-10s which are also very good), but I’m stuck again and it’s probably the room – but just maybe, for some reason, even with or despite the room issues, the Cornwalls and a Sophia 300B would be the ticket. Or maybe the room is just lousy and I should quit fighting acoustics and physics.

- one last thing: I read that the big Klipsch's want to be in the corners, but that smaller models like the Cornwalls are less room placement sensitive; it's hard for me to understand how speakers don't have to couple with the room in some particular respect includng positioning relative to each other and relative to the the room in order to get a coherent image and a proper frequency response, but maybe Cornwalls can sound good, or at least "fun" in a wider range of rooms than more traditional "high end" gear?

My goal use to be to have near perfect music reproduction including accurate frequency response, with great air, imaging, texture, definition, and detail - but at this point, I'd settle for enjoyable and fun. I just want to put on the music and enjoy the music.

I guess the answer is "it's probably just one more crap shoot investment in some gear that could probably be resold, so why not give it a try?" - but any advice is appreciated.
