
I have the chance to purchase either a Nad 3020 or a Sansui 666,both have been professionally serviced,I use the amp primarily to listen to vinyl which is played on a Rega turntable and i have AR 2x speakers,what are the pros or cons of either of these amps,thanks in advance
Have your AR's been restored...foam surrounds and caps? You want to get the most out of them and make them easier to drive. The AR is not an efficient speaker.

The NAD is an efficient amp and puts out more power than its rated 30 wpc and may be able to drive the 10" woofers w/o any difficulty.
The Sansui 666 is from the 70s and would make for a nice vintage system. If at all possible, try and audition the Sansui with your speakers.

How large is your room?
I think its safe to say its the old version for a few reasons. 1. Its been serviced. 2. He's comparing it to a different vintage amp that has been serviced, as well. 3. There really isn't 2 versions of the amp. 3020 is the vintage NAD, and D3020 is the new digital amp. Different model numbers.