Klipsch LaScallas vs Klipsch Cornwalls?

I'm trying to decide on which Klipsch Speakers to choose the Cornwall or the LaScallas. Although I have a small room, I don't play my music loud. I like the efficiency of the LaScallas but the bass potential of the Cornwalls.
My room is 14' x 13'. My gear is very quiet on my Spicas and I'm hoping they will be on the Klipsch. I'm very interested in dynamics and great reproduction of guitar, drum and vocals. I listen to Jazz, Classical, RnB, Blues, Folk and Audiophile recordings. Which would you choose?
I find it hard to imagine that someone who really likes the Spicas will find happiness with any of the Klipsch models. None of the Klipsch will image or soundstage like the Spicas.
I find it hard to imagine that someone who really likes the Spicas will find happiness with any of the Klipsch models. None of the Klipsch will image or soundstage like the Spicas.

I owned TC50's for eight years, from brand new. Probably the longest I've owned any pair of speakers. I've also owned many pairs of Klipsch. I'd have to agree that Spica's are superior in soundstaging, but well-implemented Klipsch are really not that far behind in my experience (typical of a three-way floorstander vs a 2-way monitor...OK, the Spicas really do shine there, but not worlds apart). Klipsch Heritage do have qualities they excel over Spicas in (speed, dynamic prowess, resolution, and in the case of the larger Klipsch, scale. I was delighted going over to the various Klipsch models I owned, but I believe I also initially made the jump from SS to tube amplification and that could have been part of the equation. I held on to the Spicas and went back to them once or twice and always enjoyed the heck out of'em whenever I did. Classics for sure! Eventually I sold them, but bet I'd enjoy them to this day. They did not take anything away from enjoying the Klipsch though. They are different speakers for sure.
It is interesting and refreshing to here someone (other than myself) talk about a speaker that has speed, dynamic prowess, resolution and scale. These are all attributes of live music. I also put emphasis on rhythm, beat and tempo, (similar to speed) which are other attributes of live music. Thank you.
I love some of the Klipsch Speakers (3 ways). I have a pair of highly modified Forte II that are great for what I use them for. Large room, high spl for progressive rock.
I do not think they really shine in small rooms or at low sound levels, but thats just how my ears hear it. With your size room, I would try to listen to the new Heresys III, much improved over the older ones.
I see the Altec 19 suggested often, however they very seldom come up for sale, as I have watched.
I had Cornwalls and Lascalas and listened to them in a moderately sized space of about 20 x15 and then in a smaller 13 x13 room when I moved my system. I actually liked them both better in the smaller room. Both pairs were stock (although the Cornwalls had the factory risers). I found that the Lascalas were more pleasing with my system - there was some trade off in that bass was more powerful with the Cornwalls but the midrange with the Lascalas was fantantic. I think either would work in your room as they did with me. I should say that I don't have either pair now. My son took the Cornwalls for his system and I sold the Lascalas. I'm now using Khorns in that smaller room. Love the sound! I did install Crites tweeters and crossovers and Trachorns for the midrange. I think the imaging would be better in a larger space but I'm still very happy with my system.