Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
It's good to know that this can all be from using a double run version. It reminds me of the same effect that a shotgun set of Clear Day speaker cable had to the regular set.

All the best,
Mikirob, you may be right about the construction, although I doubt it because the wires I have connecting my mid and high frequencies are the WE 16 awg from tajacobs. Doubling the runs and cross-connecting lowers inductance but in my experience does not change the wire's intrinsic sonic characteristics.

That said, even though I do not find this WE wire to be perfect, I still like the sound of the wire very much and the fact it is going head-to-head with wire I have settled on after 20+ years of trying different wires means it is special indeed. Nothing in this hobby is perfect and every component, wire, speaker, etc. is going to have strengths and weaknesses, plus they are going to synergize differently with each other.

It is interesting that Ben Zwickel from Mojo Audio, who was very successful at making and selling power cords from NOS WE wire, had this to say about speaker cables made from the wire we are using, in a post from 2010;
"The WE speaker wire is about the same. I used it for years with full range speakers but it too is not wide bandwidth and tends to sound a bit cloudy with a rolled off top end.

It can be a good cure for "digititus."

I do not find it to be "cloudy" or to have an overly narrow bandwidth but I do find it to be midrange-focused with a touch of warmth/thickness/density that can be seductive compared to cables that display ultra high resolution and clarity through the midrange. At the high end, in a direct comparison, I hear clarity and extension from my multiple small gauge, solid core, individually insulated, OCC wires that I do not hear from the WE wire. However, the WE wire does sound natural in the high frequencies, but just a little less pure and sweet at the very high end. I do not hear specific limitations in the bass and, with my speakers and in my room, the WE wire actually improves on a bit of excessive bloom on certain recordings. Overall, at least so far, what I hear leans in the same direction of what Ben reported in 2010, but not as far off-center.
My system is as resolving as any. I still say to use 16 gauge period. I cannot confirm what some are hearing, but keeping it simple is best and proven. All other combinations are new and trial and error. The 16 gauge is as resolving as any cable in my system. In fact more so than many expensive silver and copper cables I have owned from Kimber, MG Audio, Sablon Audio etc...

System synergy is always important and may well be the difference in some systems.
I need to also say the WE wire is the opposite of rolled off and thick in my system....completely opposite. Too much wire may in fact lead to this phenomenon in a particular system. The 16 gauge wire is shockingly clean and real sounding delivering more resolution then my system has ever experienced.

I have had friends try all kinds of the WE wire and not follow the proven recipe. Solid core, thicker gauge, silk cover etc... When they finally tried the stranded 16, they stayed with it.

Rob and I post here to try and help others with this wonderful find. Yes, I get frustrated when folks try something else not proven. This is one time to not over think and just enjoy.

I am not saying don't experiment, but start off with the proven and then go for it!
The Belden cable is certainly more subdued in the highs compared to the extended WE. Some will certainly find the Belden a tad soft in the highs.