Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
I understand. It is a big deal. My belief is that the Audio industry has taken a number of paths, not always for the better to serve the music. Once in a while counterintuitive just works. When I go and put up for sale my Goertz 99.999 pure silver multi thousand dollar speaker cables for example, I know concretely now that a pair of stranded tinned copper cables actually beat them up top to bottom for about eighty (80) bucks, or whup-up on any Kimber speaker cable I have ever owned. I'm not knocking any of these other cables or company. They are good! To my ears and my listening bias the WE is better still; at a much lower cost. best, Rob
Thanks, Brownsfan,
I learned a long time ago that if film Reviewer A likes a movie I will likely hate it. If Reviewer B likes a movie, so too, likely will I. Same scenario in the audio world; and most everything can be taken with "a grain of salt" to use a hackneyed phrase. As you and most people here know nothing in this hobby is universally true. Every room, every ear is unique. Sometimes you make a leap of faith and hope for the best. In the case of the WE and Belden it is working out for most of us; and thank G-d it wasn't another multi-thousand dollar leap of faith.
One other note,
I too, like Brownsfan, truly thankful for the many Golden Ear Audiogon members who point us in a worthwhile direction that helps us enjoy the music. Where else can you find an Almarg who is so kind and generous with his knowledge and expertise, same for a number of Audio Industry professionals such as Atmasphere, who set aside their bias to sell product to give us an inside perspective and share knowledge for no financial gain. Same for some brick and mortar folks like John Rutan, or a reviewer like Tim Smith and the many others who remain unnamed but greatly appreciated. Best, Rob
Rob and Bill (Brownsfan),
I agree with you regarding the direction of current High End audio sensibilities. Something has gotten off track along the way, the prevalent idea of "neutrality and accuracy" is the goal. The use of these terms suggest a worthy destination and objective. One problem however is the resulting sound quality this has led to. I'm just not buying into it, I want natural or "Real" as Yazaki would describe it. If this puts me in the minority, then so be it.

This will lead to a different group of listeners seeking an alternative path for sonic and musical truthfulness. It's very satisfying to know that there are products available that fulfill this quest.
On the Western Electric WE 16ga

I was reading the coating (on the wire) is proprietary and so is the Rubber coating?

Someone who did not care for it in the freq extremes said the midrange was AMAZING. (had to do caps as so did they)

It was designed for telephone use?

Trying to understand the science of why this wire is so good. (to many)