As some of you know, I have been pursuing vinyl and audio for a long time, and recently decided to write about it. I launched a site called which is devoted to older records that deserve renewed attention. The site launched quietly last month with a feature about the U.S.Library of Congress audio-visual restoration archive, and the latest installment features an inteview with Olav Wyper, the creator of the legendary Vertigo Swirl label. For now, this is a labor of love. I hope you find something worthwhile.*
Bill Hart
*N.B. The powers that be at Audiogon gave me permission to start a thread about the site.
This recording has long been a favorite, both for the music and the sonics. Guy Van Duser, who teaches at the Berklee School, is a master guitarist with a bent for jazz and swing, and a talent for fingerpicking. Guy shares some of his insights into the recording, as well as his work with Chet Atkins, who was one of his early inspirations.
Prompted by my chat with the delightful Guy Van Duser, I dove into a pile of old Chet Atkins records that I hadn't listened to in years (along with a newly purchased copy of the "Sessions" album that Guy had mentioned as so influential). Here's the piece:
There are also some additional new capsules on the great Garnet Mimms, a soul/gospel singer whose work may only now be starting to get the recognition it deserves. Also, a piece on '60s Michigan Rock, courtesy of a compilation on Seeds & Stems Records.
I'm finishing a detailed and fairly exhaustive piece on Canned Heat, their ties to the blues "rediscovery" era with some album reviews and other goodies. I hope to have that posted soon. In the meantime, some capsules were just posted: a listen to Terry Reid's "Seed of Memory"; a "where to start" on vinyl of the great Curtis Mayfield and a piece entitled "A Tale of Two Masterings"- a quick listen to The Band's "brown album" and a comparison of two highly regarded masterings of Boston's first album. More soon.
Bill---Unbelievably (considering my age, which should have made me part of it's target audience---I wasn't, by choice), I until recently had never seen Woodstock the movie. The Band's set was not included, and they were the only Woodstock performers I was interested in by the time the movie originally showed. But it was recently on TV in my area, so I watched it. During their set I realized I had never before seen footage of Canned Heat live, and was very surprised by how they sounded, having heard them only on studio recordings previously. Is that set representative of how they sounded live, or rather a result of the circumstances of the show (C, S, & N had to go into the studio and redo their vocals, they were so out-of-tune!)?
BDP- hang in there with me, I've got a great piece which should publish next
week. I learned a lot by working on it.
From what I am told, the band was amazing live, and is still out there in an
obviously re-booted form. More soon, not trying to be coy, just don't want to
preempt my labors- this piece, really a set of pieces, was a bit of work!
Yeah, the original movie omitted some good stuff and it's been a long time
since I watched the home video, revamped version. Love the cigarette
scene, don't you? It captures a whole different vibe.