Is no preamp really better that a good preamp?

Hi All, I have PS Audio gear, and both my DAC and my phono section have enough gain to run directly to the amp. Is this really the optimal arrangement, or might I actually get better sound by adding a good preamp, say a Cary or a Modwright tube unit, to the mix. Thanks in advance.
Ag insider logo xs@2xrustler
Well, it's all very simple then.
1. Start with no preamp in the chain.
2. Then add preamp.
3. If adding preamp makes the sound better, keep it.
4. If adding preamp makes the sound worse, remove it.
Preamp or no preamp brigades become superfluous very quickly here.
Cheers! J.
09-27-15: Georgelofi

Of course Jon2020, and I've said exactly that, if he likes what a preamp adds (and that's a colouration) because something else is not quite right that's ok.

What erks me is when the preamp brigade use blanket statements that preamps are better than direct period, without even knowing if the user needs that colouration or not in his or her system.
And then also saying it drives the poweramp/interconnect better which in this case it cannot, as he has a perfect impedance, voltage and gain match going direct.
IMO George's post is very well put, and I fully agree (assuming, that is, that "erks" is a Down-Underism for "irks" :-)).

I would emphasize the phrase "because something else is not quite right." As I stated earlier:
If you do eventually have an opportunity to try a tube (or other) preamp in your system, and if you find the resulting sonics to be preferable to no preamp, keep in mind the possibility that the root cause MIGHT be a less than optimal tonal match between your power amp and your speakers. Particularly in view of the impedance characteristics of the speakers (4 ohms nominal, 0.8 ohms at 20 kHz), which could conceivably result in an over-emphasis of the upper treble in conjunction with some solid state amplifiers.

Should that ever prove to be the case, changing power amps would probably be a better solution than adding a preamp.
Note that I said "probably." It is also certainly possible that adding a preamp in that circumstance could be a good solution. But my point is that if the sound improves as a result of the addition of a preamp, the possibility that something else should be replaced, instead of the preamp being kept in the system, should be kept in mind.

Best regards,
-- Al
If you are interested in Cary, skip the SLP-03 and go to the SLP-05, which can be purchased used for less than $5K. It is a huge step up from the slp-03 or sli-80.
I can understand where Georgelofi is coming from. He is from the camp that less is more and he is not alone in his thinking. There are many people on this website that would agree with him. Once upon a time I went that path myself. Yes there was more detail, transparency improved, musicaly engaging, no. It is our own fault that many of our own systems are starting to sound sterile, maybe we audiophiles are expecting too much from them.

Rustler, I don't think Andrew9405 was rude at all but his opinions are appreciated.

Phd, yes the "less is more" is they way to go if you have a well sorted system.

But if there is a problem area that needs to be fixed, then by adding the right preamp that can tame or accentuate that problem area, then yes by adding the preamp that has those colourations in that area then it can be a pseudo fix.
Good luck on finding the right preamp, as they all sound different, in different areas.

Audio enthusiasts, reviewers, and even manufactures have allways said as far as I can remember, "the prefect preamp" should sound "like a straight wire with gain" which funnily enough is the direct in approach with no preamp.

But I'm of the school that looks at the problem area and changing to or modding the component that causing it, not by adding another one into the signal path chain to gloss it over.

Cheers George