help me build a cheap second system


I got lucky, and am going bi-coastal. My NYC apt rig is:

TAD CR1 speakers,
TAD M2500 power amp,
MSB Platinum Signature DAC IV/Diamond Power base
Sonore Custom Music server
HiDiamond 7 speaker cables

My New LA apt's listening/living room is approx 13X15, and I'd like to go the other route, and see how much great sound I can get for under 7k?

My contenders for now:

Evolution Acoustics MM Micro Ones
Dynaudio Excite x14's (thinking mostly of monitors, due to neighbor considerations)

Job 225 Amp OR maybe a used Ayre AX 7E

Benchmark HGC, OR used Auralic Vega, OR Mytek (would like to use my DAC as preamp)...

Mac mini with Pure Music fed from HD...

Thoughts? Suggestions? I value transparency, jump factor, decent bass... listen mostly to well recorded rock (Clash, Beatles, Who, Steely Dan) and lots of Jazz.

I can only offer for your pre amp look for an
Adcom 750 or The Gold. Read the stereophile
review. A Nelson Pass design with mosfets.Look
for one with the blue circuit board and it can
be run in passive mode.
Pair it with a pair of Monarchy Audio Pro MS 70
in balanced mono block mode.(80 a side.) Both
the Adcom and Monarchy amps are class a
designs.On ebay the amps are 700 for a pair and
The Gold if you can find one around 600 if your
Use a short run of reference 3 anti cables. Get
the speakers you want but splurge on XLR Darwin
The Truth cables. Your at roughly 3500 leaving
you 3500 for speakers Cd player and another
pair of Darwin Cables The Truth interconnects.
This system
fits the music you like.
If you can find a Dynaco SCA-35, pick it up and have it refurbished. It makes about 17 watts per channel and has MM phono preamp built in.

A cheap CD player that sounds quite decent is the Oppo.

If you can find a set of Realistic speakers with the Lineaum tweeters you are all set. If you want to go more upscale on the speakers pick up a set of Audiokinesis Jazz Modules; they are easy to drive and very satisfying.

The result is a revealing system with plenty of jump, easy to listen to and not a lot of money.
Magnepan MG12 (transparent, fast, coherent) + CROWN XLS 1500 (very good CLASS D amp, very dynamic, great imaging, better than job 225) + Resolution Audio Cantata MC (PRAT + analouge like flow)

You wont get that transparency, jump factor, low volume capability, bass quality & most important coherence with a conventional dynamic speaker setup under 7k (used)
Since you have TAD CR1, I would suggest Elac F5 or B6 designed by Andrew Jones, Hegel H300 integrated and Sony HAP-Z1ES.