If you can find a Dynaco SCA-35, pick it up and have it refurbished. It makes about 17 watts per channel and has MM phono preamp built in.
A cheap CD player that sounds quite decent is the Oppo.
If you can find a set of Realistic speakers with the Lineaum tweeters you are all set. If you want to go more upscale on the speakers pick up a set of Audiokinesis Jazz Modules; they are easy to drive and very satisfying.
The result is a revealing system with plenty of jump, easy to listen to and not a lot of money.
A cheap CD player that sounds quite decent is the Oppo.
If you can find a set of Realistic speakers with the Lineaum tweeters you are all set. If you want to go more upscale on the speakers pick up a set of Audiokinesis Jazz Modules; they are easy to drive and very satisfying.
The result is a revealing system with plenty of jump, easy to listen to and not a lot of money.