CAD SLI-80 Signature speaker recommendation

Category: Amplifiers

Proud new owner of a bouncing baby SLI 80 looking for speaker recommendation/s from past and/or current owners of the Cary.

Listening preferance is 1950-60 jazz, but can include almost anything. Room size is approx. 12' x 14'. With past tube amps, I usually prefer triode mode over ultralinear. Source will be Rega P25/Grado Ref. Plat., and I'm not sure yet on CDP.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xhedgehog
Coincident, any model that suits your budget & listening space sure worked for me.
My Sli 80 sounded fantasic with my Apogee Major Centaurs, however the 80 lacked a little grunt but I think with your roomsize the smaller Centaur Minors would sound great, not a expensive speaker either at 500 to 750. Regards, John
Hedgehog- I'm a very happy owner of an SLI-80 myself. I'm in a room slightly larger than yours, driving a very inefficient pair of Revel F-30 speakers to magnificent effect. Prior to owning the Cary I was driving the Revels with a Pass X-250 amp- a monster. When I decided to sell the Pass Preamp and Amp I was using, I knew I'd have to sell the Revels as well- surely the Cary could'nt drive 'em.

Bullshit. I have been absolutely amazed at the SLI-80. I use it in TRIODE mode, and it drives the hell out of the Revels- with better imaging than I've ever had in that room.

I've been in this hobby for a long time, and I've never seen a better bargain than the Cary- as you'll probably agree.

Moral of the story? Don't be afraid of "inefficient" speakers with the Cary in your room size. Audition speakers, buy what you like. For me, the Revel/Cary combo is an unlikely but blissful union.

Have fun!
Thanks, for the input guys. My wife has decided that she NEEDS me to buy her a CDP before I get new speakers...she doesn't want to futz with the turntable. I can't wait to hear the amp with some quality monitors.

After some 20-30 hours of operation, the 80 is sounding pretty darn sweet. It compares very favorably with my previous VTL TL2.5/ST-150 setup, which cost over double at retail.