Review: Transparent Music Wave Super Speaker cable

Category: Cables

Originally I had Audioquest Crystal (original series) and decided to move on to a Double Biwire of the Crystal 2. Immediately the sound stage improved and felt for the first time that I could actually hear all the music. After getting my hands on some MIT 330 Series interconnects (and loving the effects this had for my low end) I decided to give some MIT Terminator 2 cables a try. Really liked the results feeling the mid-range all of a sudden popped out of my speakers but did not find the sound stage as complete as the Crystals so the search continued. Then I discovered Transparent. These cables changed everything. It seems to bring the best of all the cables I have tried to my speakers. The sound stage was everywhere, very fast, tight mid range and a fantastic low end even with my smaller K.5 Snells. Theses cables are expensive, but are worth it. Try to find some used ones.

I have heard many arguments not to by network treated cables such as the MIT and Transparent. With the Transparent they are wrong, theses cables help my mid-fi gear sound fantastic.

Associated gear
Denon AVR 4800
Denon POA 5200
Pioneer Elite DV-C36
MIT 330 Series II interconnects
Snell K.5 / Jamo Stands

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Who know well the Super bi cable Transparent cable 1235 and price? please let me know some ideas. Because I'm going to buy this speaker pair .
Thank you.
i just bought new Focal Scalas and a pair of Air Tight ATM-3's (110 wpc EL 34) amps.

i've been using Transparent Music Wave Ultra XL from 1998. Should I consider getting some new speaker cables, maybe an upgrade from Transparent but not the Reference ...too $$$$? Any suggestions on a good match for these amps and speakers?
I just picked up 3 Transparent Music Wave Super speaker cables. I now have two for my Wilson WP7's, and one for my Watch center. These replaced Signal silver reference cables. The sound is amazing. The instruments are in a quiet background. They do multi layer the soundstage in a way the Signals were unable to.I now have the warmth that I didn't have before with the Wilson's.