Most overrated audio manufacturers?

Martin Logan is a true champ of this discussion I believe.
B&W (their Nautilus line in particular).
And finally Joseph Audio.
The op did not even bother to list any of his own.
So I call 'Troll'.
Posting some stupid remark and waiting for others to start fighting? No me.
This is the ony thread this person ever started.. and only 18 replies to any threads at all... So???
I opt out before I even begin.
Holiday weekend entertainment! Let's chum the audio waters with troll bait and watch the frenzy! This should be real amusing thread by Sunday evening,
Agreed Elizabeth. The "value" of all the responses so far are absolutely worthless without putting the choices in some type of context as to WHY the respondents think they are overrated. What is the point anyway? Too many of these type trolling threads in the archives to yet add another one.