Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?

Any Cincinnati, OH -based audiophiles on this forum? I have found only one truly high end dealer here, and they are leaning more and more towards high end home theater so they tend to be quite busye, and no longer set up truly "reference" systems one can listen to for calibration. Would love to get into touch with other fellow maniacs in the area Hard to know what else you "need" unless you can hear it and covet it in someone else's set up!

We're not "cast in stone" for those proposed dates yet. We're mainly first looking to see how much interest, then which day of the week works best.

So, Cinci GoN'rs, is a Thursday evening better or would you prefer a Saturday afternoon?


Tom, that great,

I have a slight preference for Saturday afternoons. However, Thursday evenings will work as well.
