Monitors $1,000 to $2,000?

Category: Speakers

Just getting started here. Currently I am looking at:

o Joseph Audio RM7si MK2s
o Monitor Audio Gold Reference (GR) 10s

It is a mid- to large-sized room so a sub will likely eventually be paired. Music selection will vary widely with an emphasis on Jazz and Blues, most likely sourced from a universal player to be deterimed and amped from either a Unico/ Unison Research or a nicely moded Jolinda 302B.


o Which would your pick be?
o What else should I look at?
o Which amp would you pair with?

Thanks so much!
Thank you for all your replies thus far. This last weekend I auditioned both the Monitor GR10s and Josephs... The GR10s had exceptional imaging and response, but lacked the sweet fullness of the Josephs. I can definitely see the "pipe and slipper" side, but was really impressed with how they (the Josephs) handled a wide range of selections, including several complex symphony passages that have muddied many other top-end monitors I've listened to. More as I go along, and I will check out the other suggestions above!
I currently own the previous version of the Joseph (RM7si signatures),of which I an extremely fond. In my setup (Simaudio I5 & Rega Jupiter2000) the imaging/defintion is outstanding, the response impressive for a modestly priced monitor. I truly beleive the sim is the crucial/critical element in this setup; I have not heard the new 7's or the Monitor Audio, so I can't comment on those. The josephs keep me grinning...period. I will not be looking for another pair of speakers for awhile (unless a pair of Tyler Acoustic Linbrook monitors should happen my way!).
Speaking of, you may want to give the Taylo Reference a listen, I beleive they fall into your price range. Cheers & happy hunting!
Does Green Mountain have a website? Seem to be some real fans but it's hard to get much information on their whole line.

I don't think the website is up yet, but Roy Johnson, the man behind Green Mountain Audio, is a great guy to talk to, and would probably be very helpful if you have any questions about his speakers. He often posts on Audiogon, and his user name is Royj. You can e-mail him through Audiogon.

Best of luck,
Okay, here is a compiled list of suggestions that I think I could swing on the used market. How would you relative rank?

Dynaudio Special 25s
Sonus Cremonas (probably a budgetary a stretch)
Tyler Lindbrook Monitors
Joseph RM7MK2s
VMPS 626 Ribbons (still don't know much about)

I still like the Monitors just fine, but for now they are off the list. Of course it is a matter of taste, and I would probably be happy with any of these. Auditioning opportunities are another matter. So 12345 on sonic performance across a wide spectrum of music, what is your opinion? As for me, final input is good since I am ready to make a decision soon. Thanks K