Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?

Any Cincinnati, OH -based audiophiles on this forum? I have found only one truly high end dealer here, and they are leaning more and more towards high end home theater so they tend to be quite busye, and no longer set up truly "reference" systems one can listen to for calibration. Would love to get into touch with other fellow maniacs in the area Hard to know what else you "need" unless you can hear it and covet it in someone else's set up!
Oh Harvey ; Yes I love analog but not all digital " Sucks " a few of us have very high end digital CDP 's or computer based systems that are right at the cutting edge of what is possible in digital. Yes I like analog and some of us also have some very high end analog systems and some have both digital and analog , but what we all have in common is a love of music analog or digital . There is a place for both and the state of computer based digital is moving very fast. We are lucky here in Cincinnati to have 2 people who are advancing the state of the art in computer digital playback with Larry Moore of Ultra Fi and Gordon of Wavelenght Audio the DAC'S from both these people are different but both are light years ahead of what was possible just a year ago I would say call Larry of Ultra Fi to find out what is possible with digital today it has come a long way maybe not as good as a state of the art analog system but very musical . The ability to to jump to any song with remote control makes it easy to rediscover old music and maybe just maybe listen to more music . After all music is what we are all in this hobby for and some music will never be on records and some will never be in a digital format we need both formats , music is life. Marc

I think it would be great to have a gathering at your store. I've
never been there and it doesn't seem to be very well known by the
audiophiles I know in Cincinnati. However, I have heard GREAT things
about your store. From what I've heard you carry GREAT product
(including some very serious digital gear) and I hear that your
service is exceptional. If you decide to host a gathering, let us know
and we'll extend the invitation out to our local e-mail list in
addition to your posting on the Audiogon-Cincinnati Club Forum.

BTW, did I send you an e-mail last year inquiring about having you
host a gathering at your store? If not, I intended to, but may have
forgotten about it......


I would be very interested in coming to your store and hearing some of your gear. As for the analog vs. digital discussion,I personally prefer LPs to silver discs but also enjoy digital for it's incredible variety of performers/groups that were not able to get that LP contract back in the day. Also this has nothing to do with the original invite for a get together. Do we need to bring drinks?

hell yes. name the time. i like all of it. i would very much like to hear some sim.

tom collins
I'm glad everyone is up for the meeting here! What would be some products that I could have pre-set up for everyone? Lets say we reserve 2 rooms with a couple of different set ups. I have the new Sonus Faber Liutos (They havn't been reviewed yet so I figured we could do a PRE-Review before we start to see them in any magazines) I also have the Thiel CS3.7's (Which I'm interested in selling my demo models if anyone is interested) and I have the Monitor Audio PL100's as far as amazing bookshelf speakers goes. Could I get some suggestions on what we should have set up? I'm up for whatever! Oh and yes, I have the new Perspex Turntable from Pro-ject. It's quite stunning to look at and with the Blackbird it does wonders! This way all of the "digital vs analog" listeners could all get there fill. (well put by the way - Marc ;) ) Oh! And what should we have for reference music? I think we should have a variety for all of our different music tastes! I just recently received the new Radiohead "The best of" on 180 Gram. One thing I know for sure that we will be using is Tara Labs interconnects. I'm really excited about this and I'm thinking we could do this near the middle to end of this Month of July! Hope to see some feedback soon!


OH! And check out our website to see the products we carry if you would like to get some inside info on us.