New Thread on Steve Hoffman website that says Audiogon sucks

The funny thing is I feel the say way about the Hoffman site. I think it sucks!
After some comments about A'gon; mostly neg, some pos, this was posted...

From The Rules :
Unacceptable Post Content : •Criticism of other forums (Let’s take the high road.)  
I read many forums but audiogon is the one i like the most and its the only site i would do large purchases on for used or demo products. 
Different strokes; I like the SH forum for music, records, and music history. (It also has a good visual arts section, with a number of knowledgeable participants on film and tv history and technology). Not as gear-centric as the ’Gon. I don’t see any need to bash any forum; they all serve their audiences differently. (And some of Hoffman’s work is pretty good, sonically, in my estimation). 
PS: I found the thread on SH- Taters, the comments were directed to the new format, which other 'Gon users seem to have carped about here as well. 
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