Austin TX — February, 2009


It seems that there have been several failed attempts to get an Austin Audio Club up and running. I'm willing to give it another shot! Please post here AND message me privately if you're interested.
I don’t mind having a few people over, but my room is limited in size to 3-4 people.

Just a bit more patience, please. I am working on securing a venue for a first meeting! In the meantime, please message me if you want to be notified of a gathering and either:

1) You are NOT on soliver's existing list, or,
2) You have not already messaged me.

FYI - There's the Lonestar Audiofest in Dallas in a couple of weeks, 14, 15, 16 May. I plan to go.

Anyone been there before?
I guess I have been out for a while, I'm back into Audio or more into HT actually, I met with a few guys some years back and it turn out nice. Are we getting something going again? Let me know. I'm upgrading part of my system right now, it should be done in a month or so.