ARC VT100MK2 substitute


I would like to replace my ARC VT100 (year 2000) , because tired of expensive retubing and probably making the system too bright.
My system:
I am considering pass labs, plinius , anything else to suggest?
What’s the price i could ask.

Thanks a lot

I like your choices for SS replacement amps. Keep in mind that both Pass Labs and Plinius run in class-A which will run up your electric bill (negating the savings on replacement tubes).

I prefer a tube preamp with SS power amp.

Good listening!

I also had an LS-15 and a VT-100 Mk II.
I replaced the pair with a PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Integrated.  MUCH easier to live with.  Zero regrets!!
I too believe that the problem is not with the AR amp, but with the tweeters in the Focal Speakers.

Before doing something that you may regret, try other amps that are in the similar price point of your existing amp (unless you can afford better).  Listen and determine if that makes the difference you want.  Don't buy until you are sure.  Buying without listening in your system and regretting afterwards really sucks.

I have a hard time believing that the AR amp sounds bright.  Most that I have heard are on the softer side. 

But, some speakers will drive me out of the room.

try to listen in your system first.

I think the OP is really tired of the retubing and he wants a new amp that won't sound bright with his other components.
If he likes the tube sound with much less hassle than a VT 100 Mk II, I repeat my recommendation of the PrimaLuna gear.