jolida vs. ASL

which do you prefer and why? will be driving a pair of triangles.
Since no one used the C word in this thread you must be referring to some previous threads since there have been posters on this site that have referred to the Jolida's as crap. If you found that thread you probably saw my response there. If I recall correctly that audiogoner did not claim first hand experience. Let me step up to this issue as you requested.

I’ve been at this hobby for over 30 years. I have degrees in Physics and EE and have built a fair number of amps from scratch. In my main system I have also owned or own many ARC, CJ, Melos, Threshold, Pass, Spectral, etc. components. I have no connection to the industry other than as a consumer.

The first thing to keep in mind is that tube amps are high voltage and high temperature devices. They can fail spectacularly in a shower of sparks and flame. This is rare, but it does happen occasionally, even to “name” brands.

I recommend Jolidas to all of my financially challenged music loving friends. Eleven Jolida units (202,302,502) have passed through my house and I own three. These are older and cheaper models so I could be under rating the company. None of these units cost more than around $500 used. One unit had several dubious solder joints and a few loose fittings which I easily fixed. The built quality of the other units was basic acceptable, no better. All have been working fine for up to three years now. (Clean your contacts, pots and tube socket contacts every year). The Jolida parts (except for the quite good transformers) are just Asian basic commercial quality. You must replace the Chinese tubes. I think they are a great price performance bargain for an integrated amp. Many people buy the Jolida as a DIY chassis and upgrade the parts and modify the circuits. Check out Audio Asylum if you are interested. If you can spend $1500+ (used) you can get better sound and quality.

I bought the ASL 1006 845 SET mono blocks to replace the Jolida in my office. It is the only ASL unit I have owned. Used they cost about four plus times that of a used Jolida (with no preamp stage, switches etc.). The parts are high end audio. The build on my unit is excellent. It won the Absolute Sound Golden Ear Award a few years back. The stock Russian driver tubes were OK. (Absolute Sound gave positive reviews to the high end Jolida a few years ago also). I replaced all the driver tubes with premium NOS and new Valve Arts 845s. The sound is SET gorgeous far better than the Jolidas. I have not compared a similiarly priced ASL integrated to my Jolidas.

Parts and build quality cost money. The unique selling proposition of the Jolida is the very good sound quality per dollar spent not it's absolute build quality or sound. If you can afford better for your main system buy better.

I am a dealer for Jolida, Klipsch, and Music Hall. The initial Jolida models had some quality issues. That has been quite a few years ago. They have changed factories, and have improved quality as well as quality control- so a JD202A amp would not be nearly as good an amp as the JD202BRC. And their current Fusion amps are made  very well. These amps compare well with ASL and Prima Luna and others. Find reviews on audioreview. You will find some mentioning comparing Jolida to more expensive amps including CJ and selecting the Jolida. Opinions are not the same as facts. IN a certain price range most all products would be comparable in quality- that is logic. As for sound- amps can be "tuned" to sound strong in bottom range, rounded in top end, strong in mids, etc. One then selects what sounds best. While the JD302BRC amp is no longer available it will sound sweeter than anything ASL has at same comparable price. You will also find on audioreview that customer reviews for Jolida gear are much better than consumer reviews of Rogue Audio which is made in USA. Jolida is no longer using Chinese made tubes- that was quite a few years ago. Use EH and Tungsol tubes today. CJ uses EH tubes because of reliability. And warranty for Jolida gear is handled in USA. There is not a USA distributor, but the company Jolida has home office operation in Maryland. Part of the work is done in China, and part done in USA> buy with confidence. The amps sound amazingly clear and natural considering the price. Excellent Value! Period.

see petery-hedden web site. Bob Anderson

In my opinion Jolida is hard to beat at its price point. I have had in the past a JD1000, JD-100 CD player and preamp (Don't remember model). Yes there is better but and the customer support was fantastic. I had to send the JD1000 back to the factory and they sent me a new one pronto.

Bobs post above is spot on. Very well said.